Do you need a website?

A better question to ask is... does your organisation need more donations, volunteers, awareness or participants?

if so, having an active presence on the internet is a must.

When people feel an emotional connection with your work they will want to support you.
Sharing your story is how you engage emotionally with people.
A website is how we begin to share your story.

This support could be direct philanthropy, a gifting of time and energy or by being a valuable cheerleader in the world of social media,
in other words... more donations, volunteers, awareness and participants.

It all begins with a website and I will make the process as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Step One

The consultation
"Let's have a cuppa" 

you can tell me your story from the beginning and answer the questions in my website questionnaire.

I'll take lots notes of everything that is important to you; all the fun you've had so far and what you would like to achieve in the future.

Then together we'll decide what we need to bring attention to.

Step Two

The design stage
"My turn to play"

I will return to the studio, take all your information into account and brainstorm some design proposals for you to consider.
Together we can decide which designs will best engage your audience and support your vision moving forward.

When you approve the final design I will begin the website build.

Step Three

The handover
"let's have another cuppa"

Once I have built your website I will show you how easy it is to use and maintain.

But don't panic I'm only a phone call away until you are comfortable.

However, if you would prefer, I can take responsibility for the website maintenance so you are free to focus on the day to day running of your organisation.

Shall we get started?

Get in touch and we can have a quick chat about how I can help.


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