Website design agency based in Aotearoa NZ

website design for non-profits

Providing innovative, affordable, creative design solutions specifically for charities and not-for-profit organisations.

I love working with non-profit organisations.

Kia Ora I'm Ally, creating beautiful, responsive websites at an affordable price is how I can support good people working hard to make a difference in our communities.

A well crafted, SEO optimised website that aptly represents your organisation and accurately shares your story will be an invaluable investment and your hardest working asset.

I know how good it feels

to make a difference and the fun you can have along the way.

I also know the unique challenges that come with the not-for-profit territory;
the tiny budgets, long hours, tired volunteers, endless funding applications,

I've been there too and I know I can help.

It's a very simple process...

you share your organisation's history, goals, dreams and needs with me
and I will use my skills to share your story and raise your visibility in the online World.
Click through to find out more;

need help with funding?

I am happy to use my experience of writing successful funding applications to help you with yours, if that will help.


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